Climate Convos

Climate Change Conversation

Why Children Under 10 Need to Be Part of the Climate Change Conversation

More kids than ever are worried about climate change and plastic pollution today. They are armed with facts and more eager to do something about it than many adults we know. Yet, our youngest, most earnest and curious citizens — kids between ages 4-10 — are often left out of the climate change conversation. These…

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Why of Climate Change

Conversation Starters: What is the Paris Climate Agreement?

On Day 1 of President Biden’s presidency, his administration rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, the monumental global agreement where leaders of 196 countries agreed to tackle climate change. As a POSITIVE ACTION (the world knows we need more positivity), we sent our collective love and an all-caps THANK YOU to our DEAR MR. PRESIDENT via

Conversation Starters: What is the Paris Climate Agreement? Read More »

Why of Climate Change

Conversation Starters: The What, How and Why of Climate Change

Here are some facts and prompts to get you talking with the kiddos about what climate change is, how it’s caused and why it’s happening! Then use the open-ended discussion questions at the end to continue your chat. To kick-start the conversation, start with gentle, open-ended questions based on things they’ve heard about in the

Conversation Starters: The What, How and Why of Climate Change Read More »

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