Welcome to the Kat Kid family!
We’d love your feedback.

    Child/ children’s name and age, if applicable

    Did the workshop help improve your (or your child’s) understanding of current eco-issues and inspire you to think about ways to be more mindful in your actions?

    Please share what you found to be most interesting about the workshop. (The type of eco-info and learning, format of the workshop, level of engagement, way it was conducted, etc.) This will help us to keep improving!

    What would you like to see done differently and/or what would you like to see more of?

    What other environmental topics would you like to learn about?

    Would you like to sign up to our monthly newsletter to receive fun, bite-size eco-conversation starters, eco-tips and latest news to stay in the loop? Don’t worry, we hate spam. We won’t send any either.

    [group user-signup]


    Would you recommend the workshop to a like-minded friend, neighbor, colleague or family member?

    If you’re comfortable, please share their contact information and we’ll notify them of upcoming workshops. Nope, we won’t share emails or spam. We just want to offer eco-learning opportunities to as many families as we can!

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