Many everyday actions, however insignificant they might seem, hold the power to create a substantial impact on the environment. From the seemingly harmless act of chewing gum to the comforting ritual of sipping dip tea, our daily habits can have a massive, often untold, effect on the planet. But the exciting news is that, by kicking these habits, we can collectively create a huge difference!
Kat Kid Adventure is spotlighting the tiny, everyday choices people are making to reduce their plastic consumption in our series, Micro Decisions Vs Micro Plastics. We’ll be sharing stories of individuals who are eliminating plastics, discovering innovative alternatives and creating long-lasting Eco Habits. Join us on this journey to discover the simple steps you can take to make our planet a cleaner, healthier one.
Creating an eco habit with Julie Muir
Julie Muir is the Associate Director of Zero Waste Systems at Stanford. Though she leads a busy life, Julie tries to build one eco-habit every year. She has done everything, from using toothpaste tablets to using only reusable containers, but she told Kat Kid Adventure that, “my very favorite thing that I’ve done is using reusable utensils.”
Since Julie has built an eco-habit, she has a system where she almost never needs to use any disposable cutlery. She makes sure she carries around her bamboo utensils everywhere she goes. For example, if Julie forgets her reusable spoon when she goes out for frozen yogurt, her micro decision is to take a step back and reconsider whether or not she really needs a disposable one. Is it really a big deal to use a fork or knife to eat some froyo? Julie doesn’t think so.
Julie sticks to her eco habit by altering her life to make that habit as easy as possible. She told us, “If I’m going to consolidate my purse and take out a little purse to go out to dinner, I get my utensils out and I put them in my little purse. So even my little purse will hold my phone and my utensils.” Not many of us find ourselves in a situation where using a disposable utensil is absolutely necessary, for the most part, it’s about convenience.
Going waste-free can be overwhelming, but talking to Julie has made us realise that it doesn’t have to be! Making one resolution every year and sticking to it is a manageable first step to building lifelong eco habits and leading a more sustainable life.